Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nuclear-Free Future Awards

Manual Pino will be receiving the Nuclear-Free Future Award on October 24 in Munich, Germany for his work in helping to educate people, on a global basis, about the effects of uranium mining on the Environment, Indigenous People, Former Miners and Communities. Manny is a an integral part of our film POISON WIND and we are also grateful, that the film will be shown on October 26th in Munich along with THE RETURN OF NAVAJO BOY (Jeff Spitz) . This is our 2nd screening in Germany and we congratulate Manny on this prestigious award and for all the work he is doing for Environmental Justice! (Photo of Manual Pino taken by Claus Biegert)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I would like to share some good news with everyone! POISON WIND has been accepted into the line-up at the 33rd Annual American Indian Film Festival (American Indian Film Institute), which takes place in San Francisco, on Nov 7-15. The film screens on Saturday, November 8th at noon and further information will be available on the 220-productions website this week.
The Nuclear-Free Future Awards, taking place in Munich, Germany on October 26th will be playing the movie at the event. Also we are further honored to have the Sierra Club of Flagstaff showing the movie on November 15th. They are hoping to arrange a panel discussion, speakers on uranium mining afterward. Plus there was good news last night from Washington State and the Yakama Film Festival, who emailed last night to let us know the film had been accepted to play at their festival in March/2009.
Aside from the festival news: communities in the NW, Canada, Australia and Alaska are writing for copies to share with their own impacted areas. That is the sole purpose of POISON WIND. To educate and inform through the stories of those most affected. We are grateful for all these opportunities.
I will be updating again soon with more information on all of this and Clan/destine II
and their new CD OPERATION PEACE!