Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Clan II destine recording 'Breeze in the Wind'

Dave Montour

Editing 4 the finish line

Hi everyone! I realize it has been a long time since I last posted but we have been busy editing POISON WIND. Right now we are working each day to have the film "locked" by the end of next week. The Phoenix Film Festival final submission date is 12/14 and so are a few other festivals I am entering the movie into.
A quick update regarding Clan II destine! Dave Montour and the band came into the studio 2 weeks ago and recorded 'Breeze in the Wind' for the film. Its really terrific and will be a shining point in the movie. I'll post some pics from the recording session later on. This past weekend we scooted over to New Mexico and recreated scenes, that show what conditions were like for the miners.
Right now its back into the "editing cave..."